speech genre, scientific article, scientific communication, communicative strategiesAbstract
The article is dedicated to the analysis of modern tendencies in the text studies. The process of creating any scientific article can be regarded as the combination of complex linguistic and social process. The result of such combination is fully dependable on the right choice of extra-linguistic and pure linguistic factors. Taking into account communicative and pragmatic aspects (while analyzing a scientific text) make it possible to look at the notion of ‘speech genre’ as a key element influencing the formation of a scientific article. If we consider speech genre as a unity of thematically, compositionally and stylistically similar messages, it is possible to say that genre is a speech technique and it formalizes social interaction. Under the frame of considering speech genre as a communication phenomenon it is possible to pay attention to the communicative strategies and their functioning, as well as their influence and fulfillment, in the texts of scientific articles (especially humanitarian ones). If this is the case, then communicative strategies are the important instruments as well as key elements to ensure the positive result while achieving the goals that the author of the scientific article wanted to reach. Analysis of any scientific article while preparing future translators perform double function: teaching the art of written translation and mastering the skills of academic writing in English and in Ukrainian.
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