neology, neologism, ways of translation, word formation methods, thematic groups, conceptual fields, classification of neologismsAbstract
Appearance of new words is an indispensable part of any language functioning as new notions and realities occur due to political, economic and technological changes. Neologisms serve to denote either new notions or new meanings of the existing words which appear as the result of changes in perceptions of reality. The greatest influence is caused by spread of British and American pop culture in the form of films, videos, advertisements, shows and music. Political and economic development strategies contribute to collaboration with the European countries, communication of scientific information and experience sharing. Combination of all these factors causes the replenishment of vocabulary with borrowings and neologisms formed by means of word formation methods specific for the Ukrainian language. Much attention has been paid lately to the semantic, grammatical and phonetic aspects of neologisms occurrence as well as translation. In some cases they help to eliminate ambiguity and are more concise than the existing words. However, misunderstanding is sometimes inevitable without the appropriate translation which involves the structural analysis of new words. The article deals with neology and the notion of neologism, the classification of new coinages into thematic groups, the analysis of word formation methods and their role in perceiving the meaning, and descriptive translation of new words as the most effective means of conveying the meaning of new words.
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