political discourse, communicative strategy, communicative tactics, figures of speechAbstract
This paper is dedicated to the study of strategies and tactics that are realized in the English political discourse by means of a definite set of speech figures, including the metaphor, repetition, neologisms, euphemisms, phraseological units, rhetorical questions, paraphrases, antithesis and hyperbole. In the modern era of political campaigns no candidate enters political debate without having duly considered if and how such debate benefits his or her candidacy. Politics is a multifaceted phenomenon that involves a quest for power and influence where language plays an essential role. Research in the domain of political discourse is of paramount importance since it is with the help of the language that millions of people all over the world are imposed views on by elected officials. With influence taking place on so many levels, it is practical to consider political communication from all possible angles of view. Thus this research examines oral and written texts produced within the framework of political discourse not only from a linguistic standpoint, defining the exact speech figures employed by politicians, but aims at discovering what strategies and tactics are pursued with the help of stylistic, syntactic and lexical devices which create ideas and form opinions amongst the electorate.
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