communication, speech activity, communicative and informative requirement, the judgment advancing reflection, memory, language portfolio, professional focused trainingAbstract
In the article the essence, structure of speech activity, mechanisms of realization of its types in foreign language communication of students at higher educational institutions are presented. The structure levels are: motivational and incentive (creation of a situation, which would motivate emergence and development of communicative and informative need for mastering skill of communication), approximate and research (research of activity conditions, allocation of a subject, attraction of financial resources, instruments of activity, etc), executive level. The professional focused approach to mastering foreign-language speech activity assumes formation in students the ability to communicate in a foreign language taking into account specifics of professional lexicon. Also the article describes implementation of the European language portfolio in educational process that allows making the process of foreign-language training more transparent for students, helping them to develop ability for reflection and self-assessment, and thus giving them opportunity to increase gradually the responsibility for their own training. The article explains a community of structure receptive types and speech activity that the informative requirement acts as incentive motive for listening and reading. The all-European recommendations on language education of foreign language skills are considered. The article describes the level C (experienced user), which is in turn subdivided into C1 (the user can understand a wide range of difficult and volume texts and distinguish implicit value; can speak quickly and spontaneously) and C2 (the user can understand almost everything that hears or reads; can withdraw information, generalize it).
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