concept, generality, time, semantic group, semantic subgroup, semantics, pragmatics.Abstract
Thіs article focuses оn the functional and semantic features of the conceptual component «time». Due to its generality the concept «time» has complex structure. It consists of three layers and is closely associated with semantics. The structure of the concept «time» is reviewed for further substantiation of the semantic features of phraseological units in the English language. Variance of phraseological units denoting concept «time» in the English language is the apparent advantage of the investigation. The article focuses on the analysis of phraseological units with the conceptual component «time» transmitted explicitly or implicitly. It also deals with the verbalization of phraseological units in English taking into account the characteristics of the general concept «time» nuclear periphery structure, the communicative and pragmatic aspect of phraseological units denoting this concept. According to the ideographic analysis (Y. F. Pradid) and on the basis of O. V. Afanasyeva research we have outlined three main phraseosemantic groups and their subgroups. Communicative-pragmatic vector of the research is based on the correlation of the semantic structure and functional characteristics of phraseological units and their invariants representing the concept «time» in English. Phraseological units with the component «time» are specific communication tools. These units of language are used to perform basic functions, strategies of interpersonal interaction.
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