non-verbal communication, non-verbal components, smile, language means, translation, transformations, literary textAbstract
The paper is dedicated to the study of language means representing the non-verbal component “smile” in English literary texts as well as to the ways of their translation into Ukrainian. In the article the authors outline typical features of the smile as a universal non-verbal sign of communication, viewed as an indicator of the speaker’s emotional and psychological states. Having analyzed the functional role of a smile in communication, which directly affects the specificity of its nomination in literary texts, the authors systematize the language means of its representation in English. They come to a conclusion that depending on a type of the communicative situation “the smile” can render a range of emotive and evaluative shades of meanings, verbalized in the text by means of combining lexical units of primary and secondary nominations. As a result of the study of text fragments containing nominations of the non-verbal component “smile” the authors generalize the ways of their translation into Ukrainian, identifying the following transformations as the most frequent ones: word-for-word translation, grammatical replacement, modulation. The paper also substantiates the expediency of defining the correlation between emotive potential of different nominations of “smile” in English literary texts and their translations into Ukrainian.
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