Pragmatic variation language means in the texts of English modernist writers
modernists, pragmatics, linguistic variability, textuality, phonetic variability, lexical variability, morphological variability, grammatical variability, syntactic variabilityAbstract
This article is devoted to the question of language variation means in the texts of English modernists. The purpose of our article is to distinguish the features of language variants in modernist texts and to determine the peculiarities of their functioning. The background of the article gives a general overview of pragmatics as a linguistic science and the characteristics of pragmatically determined linguistic means used by English modernists. Our article also considers the factors that have direct influence on the linguistic variability. Moreover, we generalise the variational linguistic means that function in modernist texts. Also, the classification of the phonetic, grammatical, morphologic, syntax and lexical variants of modernist texts is provided. Finally, we make the general conclusion about the peculiarities of variation means functioning and state the reasons for their usage in the modernist texts of English authours. It is also mentioned that variation and synonyms are the fields where the most important lexical potential is accumulated. This is adjusted by a statement that variants form a powerful reserve which provides functional diversity and good conditions for realization of material resources and the figurative language potential, and the English modernist writers have used all these to the fullest. Also, the research perspectives are putting the results of our theoretical review into practice when studying literature and its linguistic specifics.
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