Specificity of Language Means and Organization of the Semantic Space of the Suggestive Discourse
suggestive discourse, linguistic means, the organization of semantic space, extra-linguistic factorsAbstract
In the article the authors analyze the phenomenon of suggestive discourse on the material of the texts of court speeches. The authors consider the phenomenon of suggestion and suggestive discourse, which reflects the complex social processes that are occurring in modern society. Nowadays taking into consideration certain extralinguistic factors is an integral part of modern linguistic researches. It should be noted that in conditions of modern reality there is a shift from persuasion to influence during the speech act. Moreover, the word influence is the key one. In the suggestive discourse it is extra-linguistic factors that determine the choice of linguistic means. The authors pay attention to the fact that the addressee in the texts of court speeches uses mainly syntactic and stylistic linguistic means that have a strong suggestive effect. Some of them perform the function of visualizing the text and create a special rhythm of the text that also contributes to the intensification of suggestive effect. The speaker rarely uses adjectives and does not use emotionally charged adjectives. Regarding the organization of the semantic space of texts of court speeches, this text is presented by three semantic blocks: simple life, a conscious decision, and evidence
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