Students’ lexical competence formation in the field of air and rocket building
lexical competence, authentic materials, distant courses, thesaurusAbstract
The article considers the issue of students’ lexical competence formation. Aerospace industry is an important branch for the development of economy in Ukraine. Therefore, we need highly qualified engineers who have the potential to promote this field. The main task of the ESP teaching is to train the communicative competence which depends on the quality and quantity of students’ vocabulary. The ways of vocabulary training and the review of the ESP materials are introduced. The special attention is paid to the vocabulary training by the students of aerospace field. Authentic text is considered to be the main source of vocabulary increasing and improving. Students are capable to know the meaning of the words from the context. Distant courses are used to provide the self-study work. They help to increase students’ motivation, to make learning process more interactive. The terms that students encounter in the authentic materials are related to different topics of aeronautics. Terms systematization can considerably improve vocabulary training. Thus, the dictionaries are referred to the ESP materials. The article provides the short review of the dictionary types, considers their benefits and features. The Internet technology and services can be used for creating terminology thesaurus by the group of students and teachers.References
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