Metaphor and symbol in Julien Gracq’s novel “The Coast of Syrtes”.


  • O. Parkhomenko NTUU "KPI", Ukraine


metaphor, symbol, symbolic images of the dead сity, landscape, and colors


The article examines the metaphorical images and characters in Julien Gracq’s novel " The Coast of Syrtes," established their relationship with the ideological and semantic dominants novel. Characters in the semantic universe created by the author are the two poles of tension: on the one hand, the atmosphere of stagnation on the other - waiting for change. Confronting the major characters displayed in the symbolism of the landscape: a changing sea and the inviolability of the earth's solid. Symbolism of colors is based on the contrast of gray dominating the novel, which is associated with day and decline, and the light that creates a mood of hope and dreams.


