pragmatics, scientific style, communicative and pragmatic relations, pragmatic potential, communicative intentionAbstract
This research paper outlines the main peculiarities of scientific and technical text in terms of pragmatic science. Communicative and pragmatic characteristics of scientific and technical texts are considered in present article as well as other important constituents of pragmatic relations, such as communicative intention, content, composition, participants of scientific communication and signature style. Theoretical principles of pragmatic text research on the basis of national and foreign researchers’ concepts have been analyzed. The main participants of scientific and technical communication, namely addresser and addressee have been considered as key constituents required for establishing communicative and pragmatic situation, communicative intention conveying and realization of communicative and pragmatic potential. It has been noted that the process of scientific communication is closely connected with pragmatic aspect and speech communication and should be considered in terms of its main participant – an individual, who acts as a key element of pragmatic meaning actualization. The emphasis has been put on pragmatic functions, namely informative, cognitive, persuasive, explanatory, communicative and didactic as well as their actualization in scientific text. Being in the scope of our interest, scientific and technical texts are built under the influence of extralinguistic factors such as background information or diversified interests of the participants of communication. A great attention has been also paid to pragmatically-notional elements of scientific and technical texts, in particular, metatextual mental performatives whereby pragmatic meaning of the particular message is realized.
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