French neologisms, scientific and technical discourse, classification of neologisms, semantic neologisms, lexical neologisms, network neologismsAbstract
This article reviews new trends in the operation and use of neologisms in the French scientific and technical discourse. It presents the analysis of theoretical views of domestic and foreign scholars on the structure, different ways of the functioning, the origin and formation of new lexical items in French texts of scientific and technical discourse. Special attention is given to the classification of neologisms and their introducing in the specialized texts. The article describes some groups of neologisms, which are allocated among semantic, lexical neologisms and the new words of network. There are found different linguistics means of the appearance, development and using of new lexical creation. In the French text material it disclosed specifics of neologisms operation of various types and forms of French specialized discourse. Numerical examples illustrate the problems of the using and the understanding of new lexical units in French texts of scientific and technical discourse. It determined and deducted ways and means to use new formations in the French scientific and technical discourse.
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