text property, memoirs, personal beginning of author, narrator, recaller, participant, contemporaryAbstract
This article describes the problem of current importance for the modern linguistics of text and discourse – the analysis of such specific property as “personal beginning of author” or “personality” in the text of memoirs. The author analyzes specifics of functioning of this property in the space of Winston Churchill’s memoirs «My Early Life», which serves as a basic material for the research. Analysis also includes semantic and functional aspects of onomasticon of memoirs to reveal processes of cooperation of language tools inside intratextual space. The article results in extension of the classic roles of memoirs author not only as a narrator and a recaller. In case of memoirs writer also becomes a participant, or perceiver of primary information, and contemporary of events, or a perceiver of secondary information. Text creation of memoirs depends on the method of dialogism, because without the addressee memoirs cannot reveal its idea, directing to the reader and his perception. Communication between author and reader works in the same way as the process of “communication” between parts of a text and even separate lexical units (such as proper names), producing coherent memoirs. The purpose of text creation is determined by the identification of the writer as a personality, his language realization, setting his goals through the memoirs.
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