information technologies, distance learning, communicative competence, foreign language teaching, mobilityAbstract
This article provides an overview of foreign and Ukrainian experience of using new information technologies in foreign language teaching. On the basis of pedagogical and psychological literature modern multimedia technologies of training, including distance education were characterized. The role and place of new information technologies in teaching and educational process are defined; the basic concepts of distance learning are specified and determined; the methodical and technical aspects of foreign language training programs through the certain distance learning models and educational and methodical complexes promoting the improvement of the quality of educational process are introduced. The most important characteristics of advanced informational and educational environment of hi-tech DL are formulated. The algorithm for the introduction of computer technologies in the process of foreign language teaching is described. Also, it is mentioned that the chosen didactic computer programs are adequate to the developed training models. Distance learning methods are analyzed and the pedagogical need for distance learning of foreign languages is identified. It is proved that effective use of modern information technologies creates real possibilities of improving the quality of education and the existing didactic models for distance learning of foreign languages with the use of information technologies significantly affect the quality of foreign language teaching.
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