“ten language rules”, canonical translation, cultural studies, mentality, narratives, pluralism, positivism, the term theory, terminography practiceAbstract
The current stage of the development of higher education needs to appeal to the intellectual, moral authorities in the history of state. Professor Ivan Ogienko served spiritually his people. Literary and publicist heritage of his works raises self-esteem, self-awareness and dignity of thе Ukrainian реople. I. Ogienko discovers pluralism and maximum accuracy in estimates of global cultural space, searching for the ways of people’s cultural development. Having examined and understood the folklore symbolism, artistic palette of literary texts, the scientist determined the formats of creation of state institutions for supporting Ukrainian culture. During long years of scientific activity, I.Ogienko announced himself as a consistent and vigorous defender of civil status of the Ukrainian language, its popularizer and teacher. At the same time, he was investigating difficult cases of spelling practice of conversational Russian language. He made a lot of efforts in the revival of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church. Formation of the new national system of education required basic fundamental principles that were systematically introduced and implemented into the science by Ivan Ogienko. He is also known as a talented poet. Being abroad, I.Ogienko strongly promoted Ukrainian culture.
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