film translation, subtitling, subtitle translation, lexical transformations, grammatical transformations, translation of cultural realitiesAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of peculiarities of subtitle translation from French into Ukrainian and is focused on finding the translation methods that are used in subtitle film translation. Special attention is paid to the possibility of using lexical and grammatical transformations and methods of transmission of cultural peculiarities and realities of Canada. The conclusions prove the fact that cultural peculiarities of Canada and its language have to be respected in order to conserve the pragmatic potential of expression and reach the pragmatic effect. It was proved on the given examples that the adaptation of feature film requires an excellent knowledge of native language. It was revealed the necessity of transmission of foreign culture features that are expressed in specific humour, quibbles, colloquial language and that represent a reflection of producer’s and scenarist’s ideas. In order to economize a place, the most important method in subtitle translation is the omission of the elements that are not obligatory within certain communicative situations for understanding the contextual meaning. It was shown how French dialogues can be transmitted in Ukrainian subtitles using lexical and grammatical transformations.
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