motion, relocation in space, phraseological unit, phraseosemantic field, phraseosemantic group, ideographical classificationAbstract
The article deals with the phraseothematic group “Motion as a process of relocation in space” in the English and Ukrainian languages. Presented are some particular results of the contrastive analysis of the phraseological units semantics, revealing certain isomorphic and allomorphic features of the idioms denoting motion as a process of relocation in space in the English and Ukrainian languages. Integrated and differential semes in the corpus of the phraseological units under analysis were identified with the help of the component analysis of the definitions offered by phraseological dictionaries in both languages. The seme of “motion-relocation” is found to be the integrated one for the whole of the thematic group, the differential semes are the components denoting manner, direction, aims, trajectory, intensity of motion, etc. Based on the defined differential semes, elaborated was an ideographical classification of the phraseological units denoting motion as a process of relocation in space. Within the phraseothemantic group there were defined phraseosemantic fields and groups. The phraseosemantic fields and groups are contrasted as to their quantitative data. Complex analysis of the synonymic rows within the defined phraseosemantic groups reveals certain phraseological gaps as an allomorphic feature of the languages studied.
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