Spanish linguistic culture, concept, conceptual sphere, conceptual links, language corpusAbstract
The article deals with the features of the representation of the concept´s SEMANA SANTA conceptual links in Spanish linguistic culture. The purpose of this scientific research is the identification and analysis of the representation of SEMANA SANTA conceptual relations in the Spanish linguistic culture. The object of the research is the the concept SEMANA SANTA and the subject is relationships between proverbal units, which reflect the relationships between the concept SEMANA SANTA and other concepts in the Spanish linguistic culture. The source of practical material is a corpus of Spanish language of theRoyalSpanishAcademy. The basic concepts, which have connections with the concept SEMANA SANTA, were determined. The type of connection between the concept SEMANA SANTA and concepts RELIGIÓN, VACACIONES, TURISMO, TIEMPO, TRÁFICO, MUERTE, and CRISIS ECONÓMICA was determined. The analysis indicates that at the present stage the concept SEMANA SANTA has equipollent relations with such concepts as VACACIONES, TURISMO, TIEMPO, TRÁFICO, MUERTE, CRISIS ECONÓMICA. The concept SEMANA SANTA has crossing links and links of subordination with the concept MUERTE. The diversity of the concept´s SEMANA SANTA conceptual links indicates an enrichment of its content at this stage. It is reflected in the appearance in its structure of some new features. It indicates the importance of this concept in the cultural area of Spanish speakers.
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