

ESP teaching, learning materials, distant courses, terminology trainer, self-work, authenticity


Foreign language studying is an essential tool that helps students to expand their knowledge, to gain new experience, and to function successfully in the professional field. The need for highly-skilled specialists in technology, engineering, business and other fields has led to the necessity of English for Specific Purposes learning and teaching. The higher education institutions in Ukraine face a lot of challenges dealing with ESP programs, materials, students foreign language proficiency, means of studying etc. ESP teachers are responsible for program developing, course designing, materials, and teaching approaches selecting. ESP learning process differs from EFL one. The ESP studying should be concentrated on the skills and knowledge that can be applied to professional needs. To meet all the requirements of ESP teachers and learners, the studying process must be provided with modern and authentic materials. There is a lack of available course books for such field as Aircraft andRocketsBuilding. Thus, the problem of studying materials was solved by the teachers. A lot of factors are taken into account in the process of textbooks and distant courses developing. Review of learning materials developed for aeronautical students is presented in the paper. The advantages of distant course designed for ESP students self-work are considered.   

Author Biography

S. V. Vadaska, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Department of English for Engineering №2


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