legal term, terminology, syntax, syntactical types of word combinationsAbstract
The article deals with a syntactical variety of English and Ukrainian legal terms. Legal or juridical terms are investigated in the lights of specialization of their meaning and the narrow contextual difference in comparison with general vocabulary. There is a focus on such notions as “specialization”, “unification” and “codification” as inevitable basis of every terminological system. Besides, legal terms of Latin and Greek origins are viewed as a separate element of the international juridical terminological bank and, thus, are to a greater extent left not translated. Classification on the level of specialized meaning is presented. Thorough syntactical analysis of English and Ukrainian legal terms is done. The most frequent syntactical patterns of legal word combinations consisting of two-, three- and multi-elements are distinguished (both Ukrainian and English). On the basis of comparative analysis of the syntactical structure of legal terms and word combinations, the interdependence between the structure of a lexical unit and transformation applied is traced. The most widespread transformations applied for the translation of English legal terms are highlighted.
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