independent work, individual and group work, control management, self-control, self-educationAbstract
This article deals with the ways of independent work (IW) organization in foreign language students’ training in higher education, their role in the education system and the impact on the educational process itself, as well as the all-round development of the personality of the student. The realities of modern world demand new approaches to the professional formation of personality that allows students to adapt to constantly changing society in the process of professional training. This social order of the society makes alterations in the system of education which priority is oriented on self-development, self-education and self-realization of personality of the future specialist. The purpose of this article is to study the peculiarities of students’ IW classification from the point of view of different aspects. Namely, there are the following types: according to the time and control form, according to the form of students’ organization, according to the place of fulfillment, according to leading needs and priority objects of mastering, according to the interaction between the teacher and students. Classification of IW according to the level of independence is the most important paradigm. Most of the researchers outline three types of IW, namely: copying, transformation and creative type. These types let students gain the following skills: comprehension of sequence of tasks’ completion, accumulation of basic facts and activity types, rational task performance, adequate assessment of activity results, making choice operations, working out the ways of solving educational problems, determining educational tasks, choosing the required material, solving educational problems, outperforming self-control and self-assessment of their own actions.
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