macrorules, pragmatic superstructure, macrospeech ac, global speech act, functional relationship, illocutionary goal, complex speech unitAbstract
The article deals with pragmatic superstructure of argumentative discourse in technical research papers. Different approaches to pragmatics study including the theory of speech acts are outlined. The scientific article is considered as implementation of the author’s plan to achieve the specific goals taking into consideration the reader’s interest. The main concepts of the theory are described. The paper uses the types of speech acts according to J.Searle’s taxonomy of illocutionary acts. The main parameters of speech acts are mentioned. The theory of three complicated speech acts classes in accordance with the types of relation between illocutionary goals is discussed. The article analyzes the features of various argumentation types in terms of the complicated speech acts classes. The sequence of speech acts as a complex speech unit is discussed. In particular, the author draws reader’s attention to the requirements for the speech acts within the sequences which is recognized as a macrospeech act. The functional relationships determined by A.Ferrara between the speech acts within the sequence are stressed. Much attention is given to macrorules that derive global speech acts from macrospeech acts. The process of singling out the conventional functional relationships between global speech acts is illustrated. The fragment of pragmatic superstructure for the genre of technical research papers is created.
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