interactive methods, mobility, multimedia presentation, self-development, self-educationAbstract
The article highlights the main features of the modern educational process at the university. The purpose of the university is not only to provide students with deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills, and above all to create a mobile person, capable to self-development, self-education and using creative approach to solve any problem. The article emphasizes the importance and necessity of using interactive teaching methods, among which the multimedia presentation takes the special place. Its main functions, features and capabilities illustrate its undeniable advantages. There are four main stages in the preparation of any presentation: plan development, scientific research, direct preparation and rehearsing the presentation. The article describes the main requirements for text components of slides. It presents and illustrates examples of opening and closing demonstrative techniques. The authors, based on their own experience of teaching, demonstrate how the presentation can be used in the study of foreign languages in higher technical education.
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