pharmaceutical texts, medical instructions, zones segmentation, lexical and grammatical features, teaching translation.Abstract
The article deals with the question of teaching translation of french pharmaceutical texts, in particular translation of medical instructions.The authors analyze structural, lexical, semantic, grammatical and pragmatic particularities of these texts in oder to identify potential problems of their translation. It was determined that the texts of medical instructions have some principles of informational zone segmentation, they have four zones, each of which has own linguistic means of expression and own pragmatic objectif. French pharmaceutical texts contain a large number of terms from different fields, such as a medicine, biology, chemistry, biochemistry, including the terms of Greek and Latin origin. The difference in the principles of segmentation of French and Ukrainian medical instructions, linguistic and psycholinguistic aspects of translation skills and abilities development, all these factors should be taken into consideration during elaboration of complex exercises for translation teaching. The research showed the process of translation skills development include preparatory and basic stages. So, the authors propose some types and groups of exercises of these stages for students of linguistics translation competence formation where the aforementioned peculiarities of French pharmaceutical texts have been taken into consideration.
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