professional self improvement, motivation, educational activities and teacherAbstract
The article envisages the essence and importance of professional self-development for teachers. The professional self-improvement is the process of achieving the highest level of professional and educational activities that depends on values, self-esteem, self-awareness, motivational components of personality and inner need for self-development. Future teachers need necessary conditions for the formation of self-improvement that is the awareness of socially significant purpose and the need for self-realization in the professional plane, personal orientation of the educational process, and value-sense attitude of students on academic work, gaining experience of self-education in the professional plane, balanced external influences, and internal activity of students. The group of motives (educational, personal and social) that lead towards the self-identity in professional activities is also defined. According to the author, there are key personal reasons that indicate a strong enough motivation to self-awareness and the importance of humanistic formational values of clear life goals and subjectivity. The effectiveness of professional self-improvement depends on the harmonious combination of internal and external motivation, and personal development which is crucial. It is etermined that the basis for professional self-improvement is valuable attitude to the teaching profession. It is intrinsically motivated and requires constant persisting, development of skills and self-reflection, introspection, self-improvement, self-education, etc.
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