Business English, vocabulary and grammar peculiarities, professional profile, text organization, business correspondence, business letter structureAbstract
The author gives a thorough analysis of important characteristics of Business English as an instrument of communication in business world. The features outlined help to understand deeper the need of the crucial role of Business English pronunciation as an independent branch of English for Specific Purposes. Moreover, it advances the understanding of the successful teaching Business English to be used in real-to-life situations in a framework of the defined grammar and vocabulary peculiarities defined in a paper. The features of the official-business style of the English language are discussed in the paper. Therefore, the specific vocabulary and grammar peculiarities are analyzed by the author. Alongside with the presented grammar and vocabulary discourse characteristics, the syntactical features and text organization of business correspondence are clearly determined and presented in the paper. For the profound and clear understanding of the main features of correspondence organization the example of business letter is presented to demonstrate its main composition parts and the whole structure. The professional profile of Business English in terms of main real-to-life situation participants is given to develop teachers’ expertise in the student-oriented learning flow. The stylistics of Business English has been presented here as one of the leading traits of the business text discourse. Moreover, the vocabulary of official-business style is pronounced as a core of Business English text discourse. The author gives some conversational phrases, expressions and other stylistics notions to exemplify the paper analysis.
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