communicative language teaching, communicative competence, grammatical competence, communicative approachAbstract
The subject of the article is grammar teaching in terms of communicative approach. Communicative language teaching (CLT) is the basic constituent of modern foreign language teaching. Implementation of CLT led to a number of changes in teaching strategies. Learners do not just learn from a teacher but do their own information research. Grammatical competence is an important constituent of communicative competence. Learning grammar does not include only rules but use of the rules as a partof fluent communication. Comprehension of grammar material is indispensable. Learning new grammatical patterns is done by means of context when learners try to infer a rulei. e. meaning of a certain grammatical structure from what they read or hear. Teachers have to use different methods based on interaction and life-related situations to help learners acquire new grammar material. CLT requires a creative approach to grammar teaching. Different forms of group work are inescapable. Inductive method is used in new grammar material teaching. There is also a cognitive constituent in teaching grammar, which implies that learners have to perceive new grammatical structure and comprehend it in real-life situations. A teacher is a facilitator for learners helping and guiding them throughout a learning process.
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