Features of English and Ukrainian terminological systems in the sphere of international tourism
term, definition, concept, term system, tourist terminology, tourist, borrowing, synonym.Abstract
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the term systems in the sphere of international tourism in English and Ukrainian languages, problems of the lack of a unified, accurate and complete definition of the concept «term», comparison of the definitions of English and Ukrainian terminologies in the sphere of international tourism on the basis of the main types of activities and branches, each of which has its own set of terms that differ from the other groups of terms of the tourism according to the specifics of each individual activity, but as a whole these industries constitute the term system of international tourism; identification of its key characteristics, establishing the place of the terminology of the tourism industry in the structure of modern English and Ukrainian languages, analysis of modern problems of development of English and Ukrainian international tourism terminology and ways of its replenishment: borrowings, word formation derivation. The study was carried out on the basics of new words and phrases connected with the sphere of international tourism, selected from the dictionaries, Internet sites dealing with linguistic innovation, as well as genuine periodic publications in England and the USA.
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