Subjective Translation Deformation of the Stylistic Invariant in J.D. Salinger’s “The Catcher in the Rye” within Literary Works of Translation.
translation adequacy, author’s idiostyle, J.D. Salinger, translation deformation, subjective translation deformation, stylistic invariant, slang, literary translationAbstract
The article focuses on many-facet and systemic studies of the two-aspect translation deformation within literary translation. The phenomenon of the author’s idiostyle, i.e. the system of the author’s lingual features revealed in form and content which adds creativity to fiction, serves as a criterion for this research. Its topicality is determined by the increasing number of scholarly papers focused upon the notion of “translation deformation” as a multifaceted phenomenon in translation transformation system which implies both inter- and extralingual transformations in fiction. The issues of reproducing translation deformation as a possible feature of the translator’s creativity have been so far “underestimated” in translation studies, so the proposed approach seems to be perspective. The investigation into Ukrainian and Russian translation of J.D. Salinger’s fiction made it possible to find out the distinguishing features of objective and subjective deformations interacted. A number of thematic groups have been selected to determine the creativity of psychological and lingual characteristics of the protagonist in J.D. Salinger’s “The Catcher in the Rye”. The translations under study are abundant in deformations of various kinds: from euphemistic to vulgar, which cannot but tell on adequate representation of the protagonist’s image. The methods applied in the research can be attributed to studies of other idiostyles in translation and be of use for practicing translators in order to minimize inevitable and occasional losses on the way to adequate literary translation.
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Illustration Sources
Salinger J.D. The Catcher in the Rye: English Modern Prose. SPb., Antologiya, КАRO, 2011. 288 p. (Ukr. ed.: Selindzher Dzh.D. Nad prirvoyu u zhyt.i Kyiv, Kotyhoroshko Publ., 1993. 186 p.).
Salinger J.D. The Catcher in the Rye: English Modern Prose. SPb., Antologiya, КАRO, 2011. 288 p. (Russ. ed.: Sjelindzher Dzh.D. Nad propast'ju vo rzhi. Moscow, Olimp Astrel Publ., 2001. 688 p.).
Salinger J.D. The Catcher in the Rye: English Modern Prose. SPb., Antologiya, КАRO, 2011. 288 p. (Russ. ed.: Sjelindzher Dzh.D. Nad propast'ju vo rzhi. Moscow, Eksmo Publ., 2008. 704 p.).
Salinger J.D. The Catcher in the Rye: English Modern Prose. SPb., Antologiya, КАRO, 2011. 288 p.
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