Peculiarities of lexical and grammatical dominants translation in scientific texts.
exical dominant, term, structure, translation, grammatical dominant, predicate transformationAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of lexical and grammatical dominants of scientific texts. One of the aims is to gather and systematize expertise about dominant, which has been investigated by many linguists, even though the issue is not researched totally yet. One of the main aim is to research the peculiarities of lexical and grammatical dominants translation. The basic definitions of the term “dominant” in different scientific spheres are given. There is a description of the theories of dominant in modern linguistic studies. The article gives the information about grammatical dominants of scientific texts, which are realized by choosing the correct word form and building word-combinations and sentences. There is the analysis of the grammatical predicate transformations during translation as it is an inevitable part of lexical and grammatical dominant investigations. The research was held using terms as lexical dominants. As a result we noted that the majority of terms was translated into Ukrainian by choosing functional analogues, using methods of transliteration, modulation, generalization and complex transformations. For grammatical dominants research comparative analysis of sentences from scientific magazines was made. On the material of the investigation lexical-grammatical transformation are the most used during the translation.References
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