Scientific article as a speech genre.
речевой жанр, редакционная статья, научный стиль, научная редакционной статьяAbstract
The notion of a speech genre « Scientific article» and its classification are considered in the article. The discussion questions of the editorial definitions and the definitions of scientific functional style of the literary language are taken up. On this basis the scientific editorial peculiarities, features and specifics are revealed. The extralinguistic features of the scientific style such as logic, abstraction, statement argumentation , sequence , accuracy of the presentation of the information are studied in this article . On this basis the definition of linguistic features (grammatical and lexical features ) are claryfied. The notion of the speech genre in linguistics is highlighted in detail. There are a huge variety of speech genres and their types ,and a lot of researchers present their definitions of the speech genres, and it should be noted that they are different from the definitions of other researches, linguists and translators. Also in the article we can find the detailed description of the stylistic features of the scientific speech genre « Editorial» and of course the scientific editorial articles are highlighted. At the end the task of the scientific editorial article is observed, and we come to the conclusion that it task is to present the information concerning the scientific and technical research in the way which will be understood not for specialists and scientists but also for common people who have no background knowledge about different and important phenomena which take place in the scientific sphere.References
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