Pedagogical prerequisites of formation of communicative culture of students of higher technical educational institutions.
pedagogical prerequisites, communicative culture, formation of communicative culture, higher technical educational institution, extracurricular workAbstract
The article is devoted to the concept of communicative culture of future engineer, pedagogical prerequisites of formation of communicative culture of students of higher technical educational institutions in the process of extracurricular work. The components of formation of communicative culture of future engineers, such as: extracurricular training, development, research and scientific work of students, educational extracurricular work of creative nature and practical training of students in the process of work practices are described in the article. The extracurricular work in higher technical educational institution is considered as one of the important factors of formation of communicative culture of future engineer. The conditions of educational environment that influence the students’ development and the means of improving the quality of training and education of future specialists are examined. Extracurricular work is pointed out as an important factor of formation of communicative culture of students. Training and research and research and development activities of future engineers are emphasized as an important means of education of future specialists. The formation of communicative culture which is directed on the development of students' communicative literacy, competence and system of values, their morally spiritual world and stimulus of motivation to self-perfection are reflected in the article.References
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