On the question of future engineers’ competence development in foreign language writing.
professionally oriented English writing teaching, oral and written communication, writing skills, expressive and productive form of communicationAbstract
The article deals with the main problems of teaching professionally oriented English writing in higher education institutions. Teaching of professionally oriented English writing is essential for a student (particularly for a future engineer) to achieve success in his or her professional activities after graduation.Writing is an expressive and productive form of communication which has its own characteristics. All human analyzers are involved in the writing process which helps to improve not only writing skills but also other types of communication skills. Writing is closely connected with the verbal communication. These two forms of communication should be taught together if a teacher wants a student to make progress in studying language. There are three stages of English writing skills forming process: studying spelling rules and graphic forms of the words, learning structural patterns of the sentences used in spoken and written English and also learning how to write different types of essays, documents and summaries of professionally oriented texts. The third stage is the most difficult, therefore more attention should be paid to teaching students how to deal with the professionally oriented writing tasks.References
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