Competence of Career Self-Determination of the Secondary School Students in Germany.
career guidance, vocational education, competence, secondary school students, self-determinationAbstract
As the title implies the article describes modern methods and techniques in career cancelling in Germany. The present article deals with analyses of modern German research in the field of career guidance and vocational education of the secondary school students. The definition, structure and main components of the term "competence of career guidance" are noted. Several suggestions on supporting and improving the vocational activities in modern schools are described. The author emphasizes that in general career guidance deals with the process of choosing future occupation on the bases of individual possibilities of the person taking into account the requirements of the specialty. Career guidance is focused on the problem of vocational self-determination of students in German and Ukrainian schools. This process consists of several stages and depends on outer circumstances and individual peculiarities of the object as well. The present paper could be of great interest to the scientists, young researchers, students in the field of Psychology and Education.References
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