The argumentation features in technical research papers.
superphrasal unity, utterance, relation, communicative unit, thesis, ground, warrant, backing, qualifierAbstract
According to the title the article is devoted to the argumentation features investigation in English scientific technical research papers on the semantico-syntactic level. A mention should be made for the constitutive signs of scientific paper genre. In pursuance of them the subgenre of scientific research paper is selected. The argumentation scheme of scientific research paper is built. Argumentative load and its main features of chapters are described using the examples from the scientific research papers in acoustics. The chapters are divided into communicative units, such as utterances, and relations between them are analyzed. Much attention is given to such relations as explanation, introduction, argumentation and addition. The relations taking part in the process of argumentation are selected and divided into classes. The topics and subtopics of each chapter are noted. The definitions of topic utterance and depended utterance are given. The semantico-syntactic content of each kind of utterance is spoken in detail. Furthermore argumentative tactics, composition of argumentation, the shape and structure of argumentative components and their place in papers are described. Besides the place of argumentative discourse in scientific research papers is discussed and the structural, logical and functional criteria of argumentation are determined.References
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