The Expressive Shifts in Translation of Fantasy Literature at the Different Levels of Language.
expressive means, stylistic devices, expressive shifts, phonetic level, morphological level, lexical level, syntactical level, emphatization, neutralization, translation transformations, fantasyAbstract
In this article the expressive shifts that occur in the translation of fantasy literature from English into Ukrainian language are considered at the different levels of language (phonetic, morphological, lexical and syntactical ones). The study was conducted on the material of the world bestselling books in the fantasy and mystics genres of the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The choice of literature works for the study is determined by high popularity of these genres among the readers worldwide at the present time. In this article the functional and stylistic features of fantasy literature are considered and the definition and the causes of occurrence of the expressive shifts phenomenon in translation are analyzed. And also the author demonstrates in the article the connection between the shifts at different levels of language and the translational transformations, application of which results in the appearance of expressive shifts. Moreover the statistics is presented that shows the frequency of occurrence of the expressive shifts depending on their nature (emphatization or neutralization) and the linguistic level on which they occur, and the frequency of the transformations applied, that cause their occurrence at each level of language.
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