Axiologiness – the category of the text evaluative modality.



axiologiness, text modality, subjective modality, tonality


The article investigates the axiological modus, which is displayed in the text categories of evaluation and emotion. The author analyzes the axiological evaluation as a constituent element of a common textual modality that is building the sense superstructure above the general meaning. The paper defines such parameters of the text modal framework, enabling the transfer of axiological evaluation, as the usage of preevaluative benchmarks, connotation and condensation measure of the text. It also describes the explicit (metaphor; occasionalisms / individual author's words, neologisms, elements of spoken language, lexical units with qualifying semantics demonstrating value-positive or negative-value elements in the subject-object relationship) and implicit (integrative effects of global connectivity of the text, actualizing the secondary code meanings) textual methods of evaluation demonstrating. Much attention is paid to the tonality of the text as a functional-semantic category, reflecting the psychological mood of the author in the evaluation on emotional base. In this regard, the author highlighted pre-text ways of tonality expressing (units with the semantics of emotion, corroboration and willingness), its nucleus (emotional exclamations, emotional and expressive evaluation, words with suffixes of subjective evaluation, expressive intonation structures and stylistic means) and the periphery (neutral vocabulary with emotional connotation and emotionally expressive use, and neutral words for concepts about the emotions and the will). The article also draws conclusions about the priority and secondary of the rational and emotional axiological evaluation, their functional yield and interaction with transmitted objective cognitive information.


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