The role of authentic materials for ESP teaching.
interactive methods, communicative competence, English for Specific Purposes, authentic video, skills, intensificstion of the studying processAbstract
The present article deals with the importance of authentic video materials for ESP teaching. Main advantages of authentic video (motivation, creativity, cultural awareness, reality etc) are considered in the article. Professional training is the main stage in studying foreign language. It plays the key role for future career of the graduate students. The task of the teachers is to create environment to give the students the opportunity to connect their knowledge with real language. The rapid development and wide applications of technology and its integration into the studying process have resulted in the introduction of innovative approaches and provision of students with the authentic materials. Authentic video is beneficial for both teachers and students. Listening is considered to be one of the most important skills because it is a key factor in the language acquisition process. Implementing of authentic videos for improving listening skills is taken into account. The use of video has grown rapidly due to the increasing emphasis on communicative techniques.Video is one of the best materials which can be used for stimulating writing and speaking skills. Authentic videos provide the opportunity to practice various situations in a real context. Authentic videos help to integrate main language skills, since they help to create different activities in which the students need to activate their knowledge.References
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