Study of foreign languages evaluation system by the students in high schools in paradigm of modern education.
evaluation system, individual self-development, learning activities, technical college students, communicative approach, professional competence, professional and personal development, comprehensive outcome evaluationAbstract
The paper deals with the importance of building of adequate evaluation systems of the process of a foreign language studying by the students of technical universities in the time of changes in the modern education, the transition from an old system of passive material learning to the evaluation system of learner-cantered teaching during the challenges posed by social changes and the transition period to an information society. The proposed rating system evaluation, needs to be adapted for students of technical universities and aims to appreciate the results of their learning and personal development for raising their motivation in learning a foreign language. In the paper we propose a new system of adequate evaluation for the students of technical universities, which includes evaluation of real efforts of an individual student in his acquiring of different aspects and foreign language skills necessary for communicative abilities development. We also consider traditional evaluation system as a general integrative results, whish shows the educational level but does not give the ability to decide different professional and personal tasks among them cognitive, value-oriented, communicative activities based on learned social experience. As well as despite the seeming simplicity of the proposed criteria, they are the most effective and satisfying the need for adequate assessment of students at all levels.References
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