Interactive Technologies in the Process of Learning English by Students at Higher Technical Educational Institution.
interactive technology, interactive methods, language learning, higher technical educational institution, technology of group trainingAbstract
In article the essence of concept of interactive technology, and also its role in the course of studying of English by students of the highest technical educational institution reveals; some interactive methods are analyzed: technologies of cooperative training, work in couples (static couple, dynamic couple, variation couple), work in small groups (“Dialogue”, “Synthesis of thoughts”, “Joint project”, “Information search”, “A circle of ideas”), generalization of ideas (or “ideological engineering”), a clusterization (“an associative bush”, “a Bengalese spark”), a method of a problem seminar, problem dialogue search, dialogue discussion, a problem situation, “Training – Study” method, operational stages of interactive technologies: organizational, motivational, informational, substantial and procedural, productive and reflexive and self-regulatory; studying of foreign (English) language by future engineers of the technical direction as the integral component of their general vocational training is considered; it is defined that success of realization by the teacher of English of such functions depends first of all on his professional skills, communicative culture and perfect possession of interactive technologies; ways of activation the educational process directed on studying English at higher technical educational institution.References
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