Creation professional glossaries for students of technical colleges.
terminology, terminological structure, professional glossaries, bilingual and multilanguage glossariesAbstract
The author’s approach to creation of electronic terminological glossaries has been stated in the paper. A special attention has been paid to overcoming difficulties in improvement and unification of technical terminology. Terminological glossaries are the most important means of providing the help in studying foreign-language terminology. One of the important features of the glossary is its bilingual structure which realization has faced instability of domestic terminology. The avionics, avia ─ and rocket construction have been chosen as a subject domain for the first stage of the dictionary. The lexical base of the dictionary has been constructed based on the analysis of original professionally focused texts and consultations with experts. The experience accumulated in such a way will save effort to the readers interested in the specified subject domain. Sensible illustrative character of the dictionary will promote increase of adequacy of professional communication of his users. The dictionary has been located on a portal of electronic resources at G. I. Denisenko Scientific and Technical Library by NTUU "KPI" and is available to wide circles of users. First these are teachers of English of the professional direction. It will be also useful for students of the corresponding specialties both in their study, and directly in practical activities.References
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