Written translation course, adequacy, theory and practice of translation, translation decisions, scientific and technical textsAbstract
This paper deals with the application of translation strategies in the translation of scientific and technical texts with special emphasis on engineering and electronics. The approach is based on the selection of authentic science and technical texts to translate from English language into Ukrainian language. This paper aims at presenting theoretical and practical basis for teaching written translation practice with engineering and electronics texts. One common feature of much of the research in Translation Studies is an emphasis on cultural aspects of translation, on the contexts within which translation occurs. Translation strategies are considered with translation studies emphasis on the main concepts of the translation process and adequacy. Of special interest are not only theoretical, methodological, descriptive and applied problems within contrastive linguistics and translation studies in isolation, but also questions concerning their relationships. Every descriptive study of translated texts involves the description translation decisions. Each translation stage (comprehension and understanding of the original text, translation itself, editing and result analysis of translation) highlight special discourse features in order to facilitate understanding of specialized texts. Pre-translation stage are analysed: reading for comprehension, identifying main ideas, target audience, translators problems (difficulties): terminology and grammar peculiarities. The main linguistic features of scientific and technical texts (the use of numerous subject field terms, abbreviations and acronyms; extensive use of the passive constructions) are analyzed.
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