study evaluation, evaluation methods, control system, control functions, learning objectives, knowledge and skills of students, motivationAbstract
The article deals with the evaluation of educational achievement of students in modern conditions of future professionals training. The ways of development of student evaluation system with all control functions in the learning process are analyzed. The author defines the problem, purpose and main objectives of the control system as the diagnosis of learning outcomes, development and education of students. Along with traditional forms and methods of control of learning activities students are new approaches to control and diagnostic processes, including new forms and methods of evaluation of knowledge and skills of students as role-playing, “round tables”, press conferences, discussions, debates, performances, workshops, consultations, reports, reviews, analyzes situations, training and other means that can be control in interactive learning. This allows not only to enhance the learning, but also to remove mental tension, stress state, which is so often seen in the control system. The study defined the term “alternative evaluation”, the essence of which is that the learning means not only the material mastery, but also the higher level skills – skills of reasoning and communication. The article also revealed certain control functions. The author determines that the evaluation of learning achievements of students through the control system is a feedback process.
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