linguodidactic analysis, compound words, derivative noun, text analysisAbstract
In the article the author examines the main types of German compound nouns and derivatives, their place and role in the scientific and technical literature. In addition, the characteristics of the concept “linguodidactic text analysis”, including its defined methodological potential and leading principles of application, the scheme of linguodidactic analysis of complex words are given. The focus is on difficult words that appear in the German language of morphological units, elements of which are based on separate tokens – word or combination of words related to each other according to certain models and form a monolithic, although difficult, lexical unit. It is noted that linguodidactics is the general theory of learning a foreign language, and linguodidactics text analysis provides a method of text analysis, acceptance and learning tool and is considered as a separate professional activities of philologist aimed as knowledge of the structure and content of the text as a means of learning speech and language. It is noted that in the German compound nouns can meet a variety of elements - words, phrases, different types of foundations. However, compound words are monolithic lexical items with certain meanings and grammatical characteristics. In semantic relations are characterized by complex words that they have, as opposed to simple (root) words motivation. At the heart of motivation semantic meaning of compound words are the components that make up this complex word, all words are part of a complex expression in separate tokens.
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