Face and reserves of personality, personal area, praxematic, body semiotics, symbolic body, metaphor of body, embodiment of languageAbstract
This paper, in the context of ideas of Moscow semantic School and cognitive semantics of G.Lakoff, deals with the conception of language physicality developed by American sociologist E.Hofman and French linguist R.Lafon, and contains the prospects for the use of their proposed heuristic concepts (faces, reserves of personality, personnal area, symbolic body, etc.) in linguistic studies, especially in the analysis of artistic discourse of modern French writher M.Leiris. Article determines some tracks of corporality studies in leirissiens texts: the vocabulary of the lexical field of the body, discursive strategies it uses in speaking of the body, axiology and semiotics of the human body (his own body, the female body, the body bullfighting, ethnological body of his travels, the imaginary and dreamed body...), meaning it gives to gestures, postures, dance and ritual behaviors, etc., exploration spaces in which exist and evolve bodies, analysis of proxemics and bodily metaphor of “bull horn” that threatens the writer and forces him to say “whole the truth” and others. Leiris who does not hesitate to introduce his own body in writing, discovering its secrets territories cardinally change the “proxemics” of literary communication, sets a disturbing distance and even provocative, with its drive, putting not only situation of not ratified voyeur, but the direct participant ratified of erotic and sexual scenes , often obscene and offensive.
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