term, prototerm, nomenclature, preterm, pseudoterm, terminoidAbstract
The article examines the features of term subclasses as well as reviews and analyzes the basic term requirements. The research serves to clarify the matter of distinctive features of terminological subgroups on the basis of works of modern scholars. We conducted a thorough analysis of each terminological subgroup, singled out specific inherent features of particular lexemes and derived the generalized definitions of subgroups. The detailed etymological analysis of the formation of lexical subgroups was performed and, in accordance with this, clear distinction by the appearance of a particular word in a certain period of time was highlighted. A number of the key differences between terminological subgroups and terms themselves were established: prototerms representing a concept are used in parallel with the newly created terms, however, it should be noted that some prototerms entrenched in modern terminology layer of the language and acquired basic terminological features. Eventually, preterms were completely replaced with newly created lexemes as main characteristics of preterms are: form volatility, non-compliance with brevity and often lack of neutrality, in other words, features which do not meet basic term requirements. In addition, key peculiarities of terminological words as well as examples to every subgroup are graphically illustrated.
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