communicative phenomenon of lying, communication code, false statement, refusal system component, linguistics of lying, linguistic mechanisms, semiotics and cultureAbstract
The article discusses the range of problems associated with the study of the linguistic side of communicative phenomenon of lying, which, being not only the socio-psychological component of human life in society, but also a kind of code of any communication, in recent years has increasingly turned the focus of research interest in different fields – philosophy, sociology, psychology, law and linguistics. False statements are presented as a component of a refusal system to a partner of the communication in the right to receive full information.
The study of lying in the communication, of issues related to the theme of “linguistics of lying”, has become especially intense in recent years. Attention of researchers of lying shifted from the question of how lying is formed in the language to the question of how it functions in speech communication and whether it is possible to measure its main parameters.
This article focuses on three important aspects of communicative phenomenon of lying in determining its relationship with linguistic mechanisms and coding system of the meaning of the utterance, on the one hand, and cultural systems of action in society – on the other hand. Relevant questions are grouped around three themes: 1) linguistics, 2) semiotics, 3) culture.
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