engineer, food industry, healthcare competence, specialized and professional competence, structure, integration, systemAbstract
Insufficient theoretical and practical development of socially significant pedagogical problems, the need for engineers-technologists of food industry meeting the requirements of the modern labour market and economic development of the country has led to the urgency of the problem of healthcare competence.
The detailed analysis of the scientific literature revealed the nature and structure of healthcare competence of professionals. Healthcare competency of engineers in the food industry is defined as a professional activity, based on integration of knowledge, skills, professional-important qualities and experience aimed at the preservation, development and rehabilitation of health consumers.
The author distinguishes the following structure of healthcare competence of future engineer-technologist in the food industry in the context of specialized professional competencies: abilities regarding the development of food products, aimed at maintaining the physiological state of different populations; abilities regarding the development of food products, aimed at maintaining the functional state of organs and systems of the consumer.
In the structure of healthcare competence of engineers in the food industry the multifaceted interaction of all its components with a hierarchical structure has been determined.
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