listening, audio material, authenticity, students of technical specialties, individual self-development, learning activities, communicative approach, professional competence, professional and personal development, a complex resultAbstract
The paper stresses the importance of listening and provides advice on the proper selection, adaptation and use of audio texts in class teaching for students of technical universities. As well as the necessity of correlation between socio-cultural component and practical teaching of all language skills while dealing with authentic audio material is emphasized. The author proposes a series of progressive activities for students of technical specialties aimed at the improvement of the system introduction, training and practical use of audio information in the foreign language studying, emphasizing the ability to hear a foreign language text and responding to it properly as a vital part of the socio-cultural component of foreign language teaching and as a means of development of professional and communicative competence of future technical specialists. The proposed logical system of teaching listening to students of technical universities is designed to provide real opportunities to improve students’ learning abilities through the use of a wide range of general and professional audio information and intended to raise students’ interest in learning a foreign language.
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