articulation basis, organs of speech, teaching English pronunciation, Ukrainian learners’ pronunciation of L2, typical mistakes and errors, practical phoneticsAbstract
The article is focused on an integrated approach to teaching English pronunciation to the Ukrainian learners who specialise in English as their future profession by way of emphasising the linkage between phonetic, lexical and grammatical language levels. The mentioned approach is viewed in the paper as a means of developing the English pronunciation being of primary importance in the English proficiency. The approach to teaching pronunciation advanced in this paper takes full account of the importance of context as a means for successful L2 pronunciation learning. In the article the authors explain some terminology connected with teaching English pronunciation, present information about the main differences and similarities in the English and Ukrainian articulation bases as well as give methodological guidelines on teaching pronunciation and describe types of instructions that can be integrated into L2 practical phonetics classes. The authors also report the results of their survey of typical mistakes and difficulties experienced by the Ukrainian B-level university students while mastering English pronunciation as well as provide practical recommendations and helpful guidelines on how to diagnose, correct and avoid pronunciation errors and mistakes. The paper also substantiates the expediency of further investigations of the contrasted phonological systems, contributing to more effective L2 English pronunciation learning and teaching.
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